Ring Sizing

For all sorts of reasons-weight loss, weight gain, general wear and tear-rings often need resizing. Occasionally, the shank of a ring will break down altogether and need complete replacement.
As part of our jewelry repair procedure, we are happy to size gold, platinum, and silver rings, as well as replace worn down or broken shanks.
In the realm of jewelry repair, ring sizing and shank replacements are not considered to be complicated procedures. However, there is more to them than meets the eye.
When we size a ring, we make sure the location of sizing is at the center of the shank bottom, so that alterations are completely undetectable when finished. For the same reason, we carefully maintain the style of the shank consistently around the ring base. Most importantly, we consider if a ring's side and center stones will be able to withstand heat from a torch while the shank is soldered. If they can, we solder by torch; if not, a laser welder is used to weld the metal instead.
Even in seemingly simple jobs, such as ring sizing, Roman Jewelers is committed to providing you with the high quality service that you and your jewelry deserve. To size your ring with the very best jewelers in the business, make an appointment at our Bridgewater location today.